Quickly deploy a prometheus cluster via helm




Example lines you may need change, find the full values by helm show values bitnami/kube-prometheus

 1# kube-prometheus.yaml
 3  storageClass: "alicloud-disk-available"
 5  # set url or use ingress
 6  externalUrl: ""
 7  ruleSelector: { matchLabels: { prometheus: "example" } }
 8  persistence:
 9    enable: true
10    # alibabacloud require at least 20Gi per pv
11    size: 20Gi
12  thanos:
13    # if you need update date to object store, eg monio, s3
14    objectStorageConfig:
15      secretName: thanos.yaml
16      # thanos compactor externalconfig need filename to be objstore.yml
17      secretKey: objstore.yml
18    create: true
20  config:
21    global:
22      resolve_timeout: 5m
23    route:
24      group_by: ["alertname"]
25      group_wait: 30s
26      group_interval: 5m
27      repeat_interval: 1h
28      receiver: "webhook"
29      routes:
30        - match:
31            alertname: Watchdog
32          receiver: "webhook"
33    receivers:
34      - name: "webhook"
35        webhook_configs:
36          - url: "http://webhook.com/notify/prom"
37  configSelector: { matchLabels: { alertmanagerConfig: "example" } }
1# Here i use prom namespace
2kubectl create ns prom
3helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
4helm install prom  bitnami/kube-prometheus -n prom -f kube-prometheus.yaml

A prometheus cluster with basic feature will finish after severial minutes base on your network